
Don't Go Mistaking Your House Burning Down For The Dawn
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Teen And Up Audiences
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Original Imperial Characters (Star Wars), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags:
Bureaucracy, IN SPACE!, Fascism, Star Wars Galactic Empire Era, Government Agencies, you know what star wars really needs?, an evil space dmv, Light Angst, violence is not always blasters and lightsabers, sometimes violence is quiet little rules and regulations, Background Character Death, Genocide, Xenophobia, Politics, Imperial Inquisitors (Star Wars), Imperial Propaganda (Star Wars), I made up so much low-level imperial government bureaucracy for this, Forgive Me, Galactic Empire (Star Wars), Post-Order 66 (Star Wars), Customer Service & Tech Support, POV Original Character
Part 2 of Star Wars: Fascism and Empire One Shots
Published: 2022-08-14 Words: 3,520 Chapters: 1/1

Don't Go Mistaking Your House Burning Down For The Dawn


The Empire is doing good.

This knowledge carries her through lockdowns and irate customers and weeks with not enough caf and too little sleep.

She remembers this as she turns away the desperate and the destitute.

It just needs a little more time.

The Empire is doing good.

And so is she.


Don't Go Mistaking Your House Burning Down For The Dawn

Ata wakes up with a groan. Her alarm clock is too loud and high pitched. It is way too early for this. She hits the snooze button and turns over.

All she wants is sleep and maybe one of those nice dessert things from that shop down the street. Sleep first, dessert later.

Stars, when is her next day off? Next Zhellday maybe? Maybe she could call in sick. The alarm screams again and she curses. Time to start the day.

Ata stares blankly at her cupboards. She’s out of caf, she could have sworn she had enough for the week. Just another indication of what a day this is bound to be.

After nearly missing her transport and almost crashing into one of the stormtroopers on the corner, which adds another 10 standard minutes to her commute explaining that ‘yes, she’s very sorry, yes she’s authorized in this section, yes, she has proof, if you would just wait a kriffing second,’ she finally manages to throw open the door with only seconds to spare.

“Cutting it close there Ata, we’ve got some new directives to go over before we can open.”

“Please tell me it isn’t another planetary lockdown, I’m begging you Teige, they can’t do this to me again!”

“I’ll be sure to bring it up to the Emperor next time we have tea and chat about the difficult lives of the essential clerks of the Imperial Identification, Customs and Transport Office. You'll have to wait till next Benduday though, you know he only has time for me once a week.” He smirks and there’s a smattering of halfhearted chuckles in response.

He sobers quickly once the laughter peters out. “So, we’re looking at a partial lockdown.” The room groans in exhausted solidarity. “Authorized personnel and confirmed citizens in good standing only, standard travel restrictions. Something about a suspected Jedi in the system again.”

“Ugh, you’d think they’d have caught all of them by now.”

“Well they haven’t, magic powers and all I suppose.” He rolls his eyes, “from what I heard it’s just rumors so they’ve only authorized a partial lockdown for right now. It's probably just some idiots racing on city streets and breaking traffic laws again but it’s my head as well as yours if we let ‘em through so please make sure to double check everything.”

“What are the odds this one turns into yet another full lockdown?” Someone groans from her side, he has caf, she wants some so badly.

“Who knows, we’ll likely get more info as the day goes. Like I said, it’s the whole sector.”

Stars, this is going to be so much work and people get so crabby when she does the extra checks. It’s not her fault the regs are like that. Honestly they should be grateful, she’s the one who has to parse out the meaning.

“Alright, that’s about it. Doors open in five minutes.” With that Teige awkwardly claps his hands together once and wanders off. Everyone starts milling around to get ready. Ata goes straight to the break room to track down some caf. For once something in her life goes her way and the machine isn’t broken or on fire.

It tastes terrible but there’s no way the empire is sparing the credits to get them better caf, they’re probably lucky to have provided caff at all.

Feeling slightly more alive she makes it to her station and opens up. Preparing her incredibly fake, incredibly customer appropriate smile.

“Hello! What can I do for you this morning?” Whoops, bit too chipper, the Twi’lek in front of her is giving her a startled look. Well, nothing to do about it now.

“I must get to Lothal.” That is way too strong of an accent for Ata to be dealing with this early in the morning. She barely avoids wincing.

“Alright, let’s see what we can do. Chain code please.”

“I do not have a chain code.” Great, just great, with Ata’s luck she’ll be running into people without chain codes for the rest of her life. It’s not like they’ve been required for years or anything…

“Chain codes are required, you have to have one.”

“You must understand I come from… outer rim world. We did not have chain codes.” So escaped slave most likely. Why does she get all the difficult ones?

“Well, you’re not getting off this planet without a chain code, outer rim world or not. The whole system’s in partial lockdown.”

“How do I get this… chain code?” Ata wants to sigh, so badly, it looks bad when she does though.

“Well first, you need to fill out an explanation for a lack of chain code form.” She sets the form down and reaches for the next one. “Then we’ll need a chain code request form which will require some proof of identity and/or residence depending on the circumstances. After that we’ll need the chain code information form.” The Twi’lek is looking slightly overwhelmed and has picked up a small child. Cute, must be hers, Ata takes a second to wave at them and smile. They make wary eye contact before hiding their face in her shoulder, adorable. “Then, provided all those forms are complete and approved, we’ll need to get you a chain code. At which point, if we are still under partial lockdown you may request authorization to travel to Lothal.”

“What kind of… proof?”

“There’s a bunch of options, you know what? why don’t I just get you the information packet.” She riffles through her drawer of files until she finds the right one and hands it over. The Twi’lek does not look enlightened, Ata has the absent thought she might not read Aurebesh very well.

“I do not… how am I meant to get proof?”

“Technically we could give you a chain code right now without any proof, we can check against our databases to make sure you aren’t collecting them but that’s not going to get you authorized to leave the planet anytime soon. The Empire doesn’t know you, it’ll take awhile to establish yourself in the system, especially with how late your request is.”

Poor woman looks overwhelmed, maybe Ata should simplify this a little more.

“If you don’t have proof you could try the Reintegration and Resettlement Office. It’s down four blocks or so that way.” She leans over the counter to point. “They might be able to help, in the meantime why don’t you take these forms and think about your options.”

“I must get to Lothal.” She repeats blankly, a little desperately, Ata sympathizes.

“I’m sure but you can’t get to Lothal without a chain code and you can’t get a chain code unless you fill out at least some of these forms.” She gentles her voice. “Why don’t you try the Reintegration and Resettlement offices, maybe they can help. If not, we'll get you a chain code and see about getting you to Lothal in a few weeks.” She smiles and waves at the toddler still on her hip again. The woman looks a bit devastated, well, nothing Ata can do about it. The Twi'lek slowly gathers up the forms and leaves the line, heading in the direction Ata indicated.


“You’re declaring cargo, correct?”

“Yes ma’am!” Could this guy look any more suspicious? He practically screams smuggler, awfully young for it she thinks. Well, provided his forms are in order, that’s none of her business. She enters the information, he starts to fidget, she finalizes the declared goods, she gets a pop up.

“Well, congratulations..." She flips through a form to find his name. "...Yalden, you have been randomly selected by our wonderful Imperial systems to face a search.” His nervous smile freezes on his face and, yup, how utterly predictable. “It’s all very standard of course, it’s coming up more often with the partial lockdown but it’s all very routine. If you would just fill this out and take it over to the Inspections Officers to your right, they’ll have a couple troopers over to do the inspection and you’ll be on your way in no time.”

He starts his journey to the Inspections Office, she doesn’t bother to watch him go.


Ata spends most of her break dreaming of a vacation, a really nice vacation. Maybe some planet with an ocean, that’d be wonderful. Not all ocean, just enough for a beach, so she can hang out and read those romance holonovels she’s been hearing about from Ral. That’s the dream: a nice, quiet beach with no forms or lockdowns or manhunts. Just a nice romance with a happy ending, listening to the waves crash on the shore.

The dream doesn’t last of course, her last three requests for leave have been denied and with all the apologetic looks Teige’s been giving her, that isn’t bound to change. Maybe once they catch this Jedi she can put in another request, things have to calm down eventually.

They won’t be going from open transport to partial lockdowns to full lockdowns and back again forever. The Empire will stabilize everything soon. It’s not like she can afford a vacation like that anyway. She’ll probably just spend whatever time she does manage to get off in her tiny little excuse for an apartment, eating a nice dessert from her favorite spot.

She sighs heavily and goes back to work.

“I cannot believe this! Partial lockdown! On Primeday!? I have places to be! My trip to Naboo has been booked for months!”

Ata nods and offers her best, most bland customer service smile.

“I understand, we here at the Imperial Identification, Customs and Transport Office apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, as I said before. This sector is under a partial lockdown and there are additional checks and restrictions everyone must go through in order to leave the sector.”

“I’ll have you know my cousin-”

Here we go.

“Knows Governor Pelinos,” is she supposed to know who that is? There’s a dozen governors in this sector alone. “Who I’m sure would be terribly upset by all this nonsense! I just cannot believe! A backwater planet like this! I’ll have to cut my architectural tour of the capital in half! in half!

Ata wishes she had a planned architectural tour she could cut in half.

No such luck.

She gives the human in front of her another 30 seconds of ranting before comming Teige.

“Hey Teige, we’ve got a lady up here who needs some assistance. I understand she knows Governor Pelinos.”

“My cousin does.” Comes a huff. Ata doesn’t smile, she wants to though. She tilts her head in acknowledgement instead.

“My apologies, her cousin does.” She’s looking a little uncertain now, good.

Teige, radiating the exhaustion of a man who is the only manager at this office, is doing the work of three sentients at any given time and has not had a real vacation in years, arrives to save the day.

“What seems to be the problem here today?” It’s said more as a sigh than a statement, beautiful.

“This one,” ouch lady, she’s wearing a name tag. “Won’t let me through, I have incredibly important business to attend to. I’m sure this is just a simple mixup. If you could help clear it up, that would be wonderful.”

“Right… you understand we’re in a partial lockdown.”

Stars, Ata wishes she had a stare that empty, there’s nothing behind those eyes.

“Of course but-”

“And you understand there are specific standards for travel that must be met in the event of a partial lockdown.” He drones.

“Yes but-”

“And you understand that…” he squints at Ata’s screen, “recreational travel is not considered essential and requests of that sort must be denied.”

“I’ve been waiting months for this! I won’t be denied just because some criminal is going around causing trouble! I’m sure Governor-”

“-Governor Pelinos was tried and executed for crimes against the Empire last week.” Ah, Teige looked him up, nice. That’s why he’s the manager. “I would update my references if I were you. Denied.”

They both watch her storm off. Teige slumps even further in exhaustion and gestures vaguely in her direction.

“Feel free to flag that one before you close out on the profile. Ral’s heard something about some sightings of Inquisitors on the outskirts so hopefully this’ll all be back to normal soon. Feel free to let me know if anything else happens.”

“Sure thing Teige.” He runs a hand through his hair and wanders back to his tiny little office. She goes through the flagging process and sits back in her chair for a second. Only a couple hours to go.


‘That’s not Basic’ is Ata’s first thought as she stares blankly at the Rodian in front of her.

Great, she’s so close to being done. Why can’t everyone just learn Basic?

“Do you understand Galactic Basic Standard?”

More of whatever language that is.

“Just a moment.” She sticks her head in at the station next to her. “Ral, you know Huttese right?”


“Could you come over for a minute?”

“I guess?”

They both stare blankly at their customer for a minute. Ral turns to her with an incredulous look.

“That isn’t Huttese, Ata.”

“Well, how am I supposed to know that?”

“I don’t know, pay enough attention to be able to tell the difference between common languages?”

“Whatever, thanks Ral, I’ll go track down the protocol droid.” She waves a hand dismissively and walks off, ignoring the increasingly loud complaints of the Rodian at the desk, that is a problem for the Ata of two minutes in the future.

The protocol droid in question is decades out of date, prone to sputtering and failing to pick up certain sounds. Sometimes it just stops translating halfway through an interaction and walks off. She can’t stand it.

She can’t even apologize properly because her protocol droid just wandered off!

She asked Teige about getting a new one once, he just sighed and said something about the Empire wanting to “encourage Basic fluency.” Honestly she’s just grateful they aren’t trying to force Aurebesh out in favor of High Galactic on all the forms. Imagine the complaints, the yelling, the indecipherable writing. She shudders at the thought.

She tracks the droid down sitting in one of the out of the way corners and drags him back with her. By the time she makes it back the Rodian is gone.

They couldn’t have done that before she tracked the droid down? She huffs for a moment.


There’s a crackling noise and a sigh over the announcement comms before Teige’s droning voice carries over.

“Imperial Citizens, we here at the Imperial Identification, Customs and Transport Office regret to inform you that this planet has now transitioned from a partial lockdown into a full lockdown. This office will continue to process registrations and other associated forms up until our normal closing time. We will not be processing other requests until such a time as the lockdown is recalled. If you have questions about what services we offer during full planetary lockdowns please ask the nearest clerk. Report any and all suspicious activity to the nearest ‘Trooper or Imperial Office. Once again, the Imperial Identification, Customs and Transport Office thanks you for your patronage. Long live the Empire.”

The feedback is dangerously close to giving her a headache before Teige manages to close the channel. Most of the line glances around nervously before deciding to cut their losses and leave.

A smart move on their part, hanging around during a full lockdown is just asking for trouble. Ata resigns herself to a dead office and a final hour of gossip and boredom. Might as well get it over with.

“So, Ral, what’s this I’m hearing about an Inquisitor?”

“Oh yeah, some human came by, real nervous, said they saw an Inquisitor out on the Eastern edges, near the docks. I don’t know much else.”

“I hope they don’t come over here. They give me the creeps.”

“What? Don’t like the glaring or the laser swords?”

“Not really, I’m perfectly happy never meeting one.”

“You and me both Ata, the minute they get anywhere near this office, I swear I’ll finally quit and go back to my homeworld. Hunting Jedi is way above my paygrade. You ever think about going back home?”

“Sometimes, my parents would be ecstatic. They’ve been bothering me to visit and find someone to settle down with lately, it’s just, I’m so busy here. I don’t have the time, and I’m definitely not going out with whatever nice local they have all picked out for me.”

“I hear ya, my little brother’s finally coming of age and I’m not looking forward to that whole celebration. He’s not a fan of the Empire at all, real outspoken whenever we get together. It was cute the first couple times but now it’s just getting annoying, my parents are working on it but I don’t know, makes the family reunions awkward.”

“I get that. My parents just don’t understand, for all I complain and for all the pay is trash, we’re doing important work here. The Empire is too for all its issues. I can’t just leave it behind. We’re making a difference. I’m sure your brother will get that through his head eventually.”

“I sure hope so, I cannot deal with yet another fight over late-meal.”

Ata sighs in solidarity. She really should comm her parents. It’s getting to the point that the next time she does her mother is going to include some sort of casual comment about ‘how hard she worked to raise her’ and how ‘the least she could do is call more than once a standard month.’

She’ll leave it for tomorrow.


The final hour passes slowly, just as she anticipated. Teige comes by to activate the lock and do final announcements before the day is over.

“Well, congratulations on another successful day everyone. Higher ups don’t expect this lockdown to last much longer, hopefully it’ll all be over before we’re back up and running in the morning. I’ll see you all bright and early tomorrow.”


Ata trudges through the depressing empty evening streets, her transport is mostly empty and the few in it are much too busy getting home to bother her. She does her best to ignore the wary glances thrown her way.

She takes a small detour to stop by her favorite vendor, she knows they’ll probably be closed but doesn’t she deserve a nice treat after the day she’s had?


Turning the corner she takes in the shattered windows and destroyed equipment of her favorite little shop. There’s a notice on the door, warning against associating with enemies of the Empire and reminding passersby to report suspicious activity to the nearest Imperial Official.

She stops.

At first she can’t believe it, the kind old man who smiled at her with wrinkles around his eyes and gave her a slightly larger portion sometimes because, “you’re looking tired today, you must make sure not to let them take advantage of you.”

His daughter sometimes helping out in the kitchen and rolling her eyes good naturedly at his slow and friendly manner, Ata never understood how he seemed to know nearly everyone.

Perhaps it was all an act, an illusion to hide what was really going on.

That must be it.

Or maybe, the thought strikes her, they were innocent and the Empire had it all wrong.

The Empire is doing good work, important work. She remembers before, the fear of the ever encroaching war, the chaos, the corruption. The Empire is bringing stability, finally.

She can feel it coming, order and peace after so long without. The Empire just needs a little time, a little patience as it straightens out the last remnants and mistakes of the old era. There are bound to be a few accidents and innocents caught up in the crossfire.

It’ll all be worth it in the end, it has to be.

She turns away from the shop, ignoring the stares she can feel from shuttered windows all along the street. She’ll have to find somewhere else to get after work treats.


She sits alone in her little apartment and debates comming her parents again before ultimately deciding to wait until her next day off. She just doesn’t have the energy.

She turns on the holonet while she eats her cold leftovers from the night before and vaguely registers a triumphant announcement of victory, the grinning presenter declaring that the agents of the Emperor have defeated the heinous Jedi terrorizing the system!

Good, everything should be back to normal in the morning.

Ata knows that things are going to get better but the growing pains of a new era are so difficult. She’ll keep holding on though, through increasingly tight regulations, difficult customers, the tiny voice that sometimes doubts. She’ll keep on the right path through it all.

Long live the Empire, may it bring order, security and prosperity to the galaxy for decades to come.


End Notes

Title comes from 1933 by Frank Turner

Can you tell I've worked almost exclusively in government since I was a teenager? I was, in more than one job, worried that I was lying to myself about the good I was doing. I'm going to be very vague because I like my anonymity but I knew exactly what damage my labor could bring because my country has, given the circumstances and opportunity, ignored all rules and regulations to use that exact labor and information for evil before.

The law is not morality, following the law is not ethical by default.

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